It’s been a while!

Well hello there blogging world, I know it’s been a long time and here are the reasons why…

Exam Season!!!

I believe I speak for the majority of young people when I say; it’s that time of year again! My days consist of being at school, coming home exhausted, giving myself five minutes to have a fag and get changed before I sit at a desk and keep my head down until dinner. Been told constantly these past two years that A levels are not a sprint, they’re a marathon. While I quite like, and in many ways agree, with that analogy I cannot help but see that the things I was revising back in January still need my attention. With my first exam a little over four weeks away, there is certainly a lot to do! Many of us constantly ask each other what the best way to revise is, but to be quite honest it seems to be different for every subject and each of us as individuals. I find that for me, writing out old notes in pretty colours, then making flash cards is an effective way to begin before starting those all important past exam papers. Yet I know so many of my friends who would find such methods tedious and dull. Media revision is mostly sitting on my arse watching the same three films over and over again, though I really need to start reviewing my knowledge on marketing strategies and audience theories. I’ll tell you one thing I struggle with though … How the f*** does one revise for English!? I seem to be doing the same thing repeatedly; rereading The Crucible, writing out key terms and linguistic techniques, the occasional exam question, but I still doubt just how good this is. I mean it very sincerely when I say that even Shakespeare wouldn’t get an A in English A level!


So I had a bit of a dilemma not so long ago. My original insurance choice (Univeristy of Greenwich) emailed me saying that due to unforeseen circumstances they were no longer running their Philosophy program. I cannot tell you the amount of screaming I did at the time! This left me with such extreme feelings of turmoil it was unreal, I had to go through the application process all over again. Luckily for me, I have some very supportive and experienced staff at my school who quickly hooked me up with Essex Univeristy. Initially, I was so pro Kings that I just saw it as something I HAD to do rather than something I genuinely wanted. So, I applied and was offered an interview which really pissed me off as it meant I had to wait even longer to do my firm and insurance. Now, I’m not religious whatsoever but I swear, somewhere, someone decided that this was meant for me! My interview and open day was such a wonderful experience and now my heart is set on going there – sorry Kings! As of yesterday, my application for accommodation up there is complete and now it’s just a matter of sitting back and refreshing my emails. I must admit that I am really looking forward to it and feel quite stupid for my original reaction.

What’s coming up?

Loads! Aside from my exams I have my driving test soon. Finally got insurance on the car so I’m getting a lot of extra practise in when I can. Finding the whole driving thing quite therapeutic and although I’m not too bothered about getting my own car straight away, I want to have passed before I move out. After exams I’m off to Barcelona for a week with my girls, which will be fun, I need a stress release! Some sun, plenty of alcohol, beaches and Spanish accents is going to be a great way to start the summer of 2015. When I’m back from Barca it’s straight on the plane back home to the south of France to see some family. My youngest cousin over there has grown so much since I last saw him, I miss them all very much. We have a lo to catch up on and I’m particularly excited to meet one of my cousins boyfriends, he needs my approval haha! I think it’s either the day after or two days after I’m back that results day will be upon me, don’t really think I need to go into the details of how I feel about that one …

Stay focused, stay hungry, stay foolish

A List of Random, Reoccuring Thoughts …. Anyone relate?

  1. I don’t quite know where I am or where I’m heading
  2. Is what I’m doing right now going to matter this time next year?
  3. Oh, he’s cute 😍
  4. Is it really THAT GOOD to be different?💭
  5. What if I was wrong about you …
  6. If God does actually exist, I’m going to hell for sure!
  7. Why does my Mother blame herself for my errors?
  8. Is Procrastination an illness?
  9. Is 2+2 actually 5?
  10. What if I regret the course I choose at university?
  11. I should go for the salad, but that pizza is calling my name 😐
  12. Music is becoming too repetitive 
  13. If only England was always this sunny ☀️
  14. Richness has no currency
  15. Never fear the smart, the cultured or the open-minded. Fear the thick, the naive and the shallow 

For Anybody Who Needs Motivation

Feel like nobody believes in you? Feel like everyone expects you to fail? Then you believe in yourself. It might sound corny but positive self talk goes a long way, and (I have found) helps prevent procrastination. I’m telling you that the words of the people who put you down will not scar if you don’t let it. The world will come with knives at you and that’s a fact, so be kind to yourself. Everybody deserves the right to better themselves, be loved and experience beyond what situations might opress them from. You make your own sunlight and it takes more energy to be lazy, down and unmotivated; than to be happy, enjoying what you’re doing and reaping the benefits of hard work.

It is not the critic who counts. Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who was actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. Who strives valiantly. Who errs. Who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming, but who does always actually strive to do the deeds. Who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions. Who spends himself in a worthy cause. Who at the best, knows in the end, the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Easter break and exam stress

Good Friday

It is the start of my first full day of the Easter Holiday and I am not quite sure how I feel about this yet. Although two weeks off school sounds perfectly adequate right now; the joy of it has been taken away by the need to revise, knuckle down, and become a boffin! Ontop of that, it looks like I’ll still be waking up stupidly early as my body seems to refuse any sort of hibernation. I went to bed around 11 last night in hope that I wouldn’t be awake before midday today, but, alas, I was awake at 7. The perks of a body clock!

Plans for the next two weeks

Apart from the upcoming birthday of someone very special to me, there really is not much planned. My mother flies off to Siciliy for a week and I cannot even bring myself to look forward to her absence. Surely every 19 year old would love their house (practically) to themselves but what’s the point when most of my company will be school text books? I Procrastinate hugely, which is the reason for my underachievement and constant disappointments despite being told “You’re so bright” all the time. Have promised myself this time will be different, I am way to afraid of not getting into Kings next year! So, while avoiding procrastination is high on my list; I’m hoping to fit a lot of Doctor Who, Gossip Girl and heavy drinking into my two weeks off. However, as I’ve learnt, the essentials such as sleep, social life and studying can never be balanced. Only two out of the three are ever possible at one time and me like a fool, puts my social life before anything …. I really ought to work on that!